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Product Number 0502050094

  • Oil-based conditioner
  • Gives a gloss to the leaves
  • Protects, cleans and makes the leaves shiny
  • Allows plants to breathe more easily
  • There is no unpleasant smell
  • Size: 200 ml
790лвOnline price

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Spray conditioner for green plants 200ml gloss for leaves 0502100098-bio-plantella-thymi-500ml-bg3_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502011745-saksija-pvc-furu-5l-bjala_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2869 лв


Spray conditioner for green plants of the PLANTELLA brand. It is an oil-based leaf conditioner that gives them a shine. Cleans and expands leaf pores and prevents dirt and dust from sticking to smooth-leaved plants, allowing them to breathe more easily.

The conditioner protects, cleans and makes the leaves shiny. Suitable for all types of indoor and balcony plants. The product prevents the accumulation of dust and dirt, preserves and restores the natural color and luster of leaves and removes limescale stains. There is no unpleasant smell.

The spray restores the healthy and shiny appearance of the plants by:

  • Opening of leaf pores
  • Cleaning the leaf surface
  • Preventing the accumulation of dust and dirt
  • Removal of lime stains

How to use: Wipe the leaves of the plants first with a soft damp cloth. Spray the upper part of the leaves from a distance of 30 cm. Do not use too much conditioner - it should not drip from the leaves. Repeat spraying after 2 weeks. Do not use conditioner on plants with soft and hairy leaves or plants that have been exposed to sunlight for a long time.

Storage: Keep the leaf balm tightly closed in a dry and ventilated place, out of the reach of children. The container is pressurized, so protect it from the sun and do not expose it to temperatures higher than 50°C.

The spray conditioner is available in a 200 ml package.


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