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Product Number 0602060447

  • Dining set
  • Material: arcopal tempered glass
  • 18 pieces - to serve 6 people
  • Color: yellow with floral motifs
  • 6 pieces of plates for the main f25 cm
  • 6 deep plates f21.5 cm
  • 6 dessert plates f19 cm
  • The set is suitable for use in a dishwasher and microwave oven
11839lvOnline price

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The beautiful Luminarc Tahina dining set is made of tempered glass, includes 18 pieces for 6 people. The plates are a solution in fresh tones and shades of yellow, which are complemented by stylized palm branches in blue and tropical flowers in soft light turquoise. A fresh choice of colors, an unusual combination, a feeling of summer and joy.

The service contains:

  • 6 main plates with a diameter of φ25 cm
  • 6 deep plates with a diameter of φ21.5 cm
  • 6 dessert plates with a diameter of φ19 cm


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