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Product Number 1005010482

  • Laminate with a four-sided joint (chamfer)
  • Compatible with underfloor heating
  • Color/decor: K233 Earth Oak
  • Rough structure following the pattern of the wood
  • Thickness: 12 mm
  • Slat size: 1285 x 192 mm
  • Resistant to moderate use in residential, public and commercial environments
  • Resistance class: 33/АС5
  • MO.RE technology - 48-hour protection against accidental liquid spills
  • Roof area with one package: 1.48 sq.m/package
4200lv/m2Online price

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Package price: 62.16 lv.


Често купувани заедно

Moisture-resistant laminate parquet 12mm with joint V4, 33/AC5 K233 Earth Oak (1.48 sq.m./package) 1005021105_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1005040032-2_246x246_pad_478b24840a
6079 lv


Laminate from the My Style My Art MO.RE series by KRONO ORIGINAL in K233 Earth Oak decor. The laminate parquet is 12 mm thick and has a resistance class for physical stress AC5/33. One package of laminated parquet in the K233 Earth Oak decor contains lamellas with a total roof area of 1.48 sq.m.

The laminate is intended for moderate use in residential, public and commercial premises. It is compatible with underfloor heating. Floor coverings with MO.RE technology guarantee 48 hours. protection against accidental liquid spills.

The floor covering has antibacterial properties. Easy to clean and maintain. The laminate is impregnated against moisture, resistant to stains, stains and scratches.


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