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Product Number 0102030316

  • Shower system: stationary shower, hand shower, hose and mixer with movable spout
  • Two handle brass mixer tap
  • Telescopic tubular suspension: 100-136 cm
  • Pipe material: stainless steel
  • Diameter of the shower head: f200 mm
  • Diameter of hand shower: f82 mm
  • Hose with a length of 150 cm
  • Color: brass, matt
  • Mixer warranty: 5 years
  • Pita/earpiece/pipes/hose warranty: 2 years
56400лвOnline price

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Bathroom set - shower system 9192BR by INTER CERAMIC including telescopic pipe suspension with shower head, mobile hand shower and mixer with mobile spout.
The height of the pipe suspension can be adjusted from 100 to 136 cm. The shower head is of a large size for maximum comfort in the bathroom - φ20 cm. The mobile hand shower also features a large head - φ8.2 cm, and the total length of the hand shower is 21.5 cm. The hose for powering the shower handset is 150 cm long.

With its two handles, the high-quality brass faucet allows precise control when setting the water temperature. The protective coating of the shower system prevents the accumulation of limescale or stains and facilitates cleaning.

  • Bathroom set in retro design
  • Brass faucet, two-handled, movable spout
  • Stainless steel hand shower with one water jet function and silicone nozzles
  • Removable stainless steel shower tray with silicone nozzles for easy cleaning
  • Stainless steel telescopic tubular suspension
  • Manual bath/shower switch


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