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Product Number 0603040135

  • Cutlery set for 6 people - 30 pieces
  • Material: stainless steel 18/10
  • Thickness: 3 mm
  • Finish: Mirror polished finish
  • 6 spoons, forks and knives for the main course
  • 6 spoons, forks and knives for dessert
  • 6 spoons for coffee and tea
  • They can be used in a dishwasher
21499lvOnline price

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Cutlery set 30 pieces Hisar Milano 0605030529-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0604030423-dekorativna-vyzglavnica-40-x-40sm-rezen-dinja_246x246_pad_478b24840a
23237 lv


Today, Hisar provides elegant and stylish tableware through its unparalleled interpretation of design. Their products combine premium stainless steel with impeccable technology and unparalleled craftsmanship. The end result is a breathtaking product. High quality and strength of design stand out in all products always in accordance with the strict guidelines of international standards.

Set contains:

  • 6 spoons for a main course
  • 6 forks for main course
  • 6 pieces knife for main course
  • 6 dessert spoons
  • 6 dessert forks
  • 6 dessert knives
  • 6 spoons for coffee and tea

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