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Product Number 0401050071

  • Household water meter for cold water
  • Remote reading - M-bus radio communication (AMR / walk-by)
  • Possibility of horizontal and vertical installation
  • Flow rate: Q3 = 2.5 cubic meters/hour.
  • Length: 110 mm
  • Size: 1/2"
  • LCD display
  • Gasket kit
  • No Hollanders
14485лвOnline price

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Electronic water meter for cold water 1/2" 2.5 m3/h with remote reading AMR/Walk-By 0401050005-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0401010020-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
15482 лв


Household or domestic water meter for cold water with LCD display, plastic housing and built-in radio communication module for remote reading. It is factory equipped with a battery. The water meter is of a dry type and serves to measure the amount of water that has passed through it in the household. It is suitable for horizontal and vertical installation. Mounting gaskets are included with the kit.


  • Length: 110 mm
  • Connection size: 1/2"

Activation and inclusion in radio systems

  • The radio transmitter of the WF.636 is activated automatically after a flow rate of 50 liters, but without transmission of installation telegrams. Alternatively, the radio transmitter is activated by means of WFZ.PS – the trigger tool for radio telegrams or the parameterization software ACT50 and WFZ.IrDA-USB.

Walk-By (mobile data logging)

  • 12 minutes after the activation of the radio transmitters, the WF.636 transmits control telegrams, so that after the installation of all the instruments a control reading can be carried out. WF.636 then transmits regular walk-by telegrams.

AMR (Automatic Data Registration)

  • After the activation of the radio transmitter, the WF.636 transmits installation telegrams for inclusion in the AMR network. The WF.636 then transmits regular data telegrams and statistical telegrams depending on the set radio mode.


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2.5 куб.м/ч.

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