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Product Number 0505030219

  • Digital cooking thermometer
  • Range: 1-100°C
  • LED Display for visualization of temperature
  • Button for selecting the type of meat
  • Button for selecting the degree of cooking
  • Probe type fork - stainless steel
  • Powered by 2 AAA batteries (not included)
  • Dimensions: 34 x 4 cm
1779лвOnline price

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Fork meat thermometer digital 0505030227-pemza-za-ochistvane-na-skara-10-h-6-h-4-sm-2_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0505040002_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4618 лв


Digital meat thermometer with two stainless steel prongs. The fork probe can also be used to turn the meat. It is necessary to clean the probe after each use.
The thermometer has a large LED display, on which the reported temperature and degree of cooking are visualized, so that you get tasty and well-cooked meat. It is equipped with 2 buttons - one for selecting the type of meat and one for selecting the desired degree of cooking.


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