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Product Number 1005010412

  • Laminate with a four-sided joint (chamfer)
  • Compatible with underfloor heating
  • Color/decor: 895 Oak Tormes
  • Authentic relief
  • Thickness: 8 mm
  • Slat size: 1380 x 244 mm
  • Resistant to intensive use in residential, public and office premises
  • Physical load resistance class: 32/АС5
  • Impregnated against moisture, resistant to stains, smudges and scratches
  • Roof area with one package: 2,694 sq.m.
8483лвOnline price

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Laminate parquet with joint 8mm 32/AC5 V4, 895 Oak Tormes Cottage (2.694 sq.m/package) 1005040032-2_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1005021330-tapi-za-pervaz_246x246_pad_478b24840a
9912 лв


The laminate parquet is 8 mm thick and has a high resistance class for physical stress AC5/32. One package of laminated parquet in Tormes Oak decor contains lamellas with a total roof area of 2,694 sq.m.

The laminate is intended for intensive use in residential, public and office premises.

Trust the flowing elegance of this stunning laminate flooring.Tormes Oak provides excellent material properties and the authentic finish of a traditional wooden floor, but is actually superior in terms of durability and resistance to fading and fire. Like every other MY FLOOR finish, Tormes Oak is made from almost 100% natural and renewable raw materials. Hard-wearing, strong and easy to maintain, this vibrant and vibrant laminate flooring is the perfect choice for all those who really know how to get into the swing of things.


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