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Product Number 0306010506

  • Self-drilling snail type dowel for plasterboard
  • For holes with diameter: ф6 mm
  • Hook length: 44 mm
  • Screw: 4 x 50 mm
  • Unique self-drilling tip
  • Innovative peripherals for exceptional stability
  • Anti-scroll system
  • Set of 6 pieces
2310лвOnline price

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Dowels DuoBlade L-shaped hook screw, set of 6 pieces 0306010305-1-djubel-s-vint-psd_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0306010309-1-djubel-za-gipsokarton-s-vint_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3674 лв


The dowel consists of several components that allow for the best fixing in drywall. It is equipped with an innovative self-drilling tip, which eliminates the need to pre-drill a hole in the drywall. The dowels from the DuoBlade series are available complete with hook and screw. With their help you can quickly and easily install paintings, mirrors and others on a plasterboard base.


ф8 х 65мм

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