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Product Number 0707010013

  • Volume: 24.4 liters
  • Capacity: 9 liters
  • Extremely light: 5.5 kg
  • Jumbo valve
  • Practically does not corrode
  • Thrown into the fire does not explode
  • Compatible with all types of valves and pressure reducing valves
  • Elementary control of the amount of gas
  • Warranty: 2 years
23900лвSpecial price

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Composite gas bottle 24.4 l, 9 kg propane-butane, HPC Research 0707030007_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0401060020-22-23-25-28-29-32-34-50-skoba-za-vodno-syedinenie_246x246_pad_478b24840a
26944 лв


Composite gas cylinder 24.4 l, has a capacity of 9 kg of propane-butane. It is produced under the Czech brand HPC Research. It is equipped with a straight valve. The bottle itself is characterized by extreme lightness, only 5.5 kg. This is due to the composite material from which it is made, with the ease of glass fibers, an integral part of the composite.

The degree of security is enviable - even if thrown into a fire, it does not explode, but slowly releases its contents without endangering others.


  • light weight;
  • practically does not corrode;
  • thrown into the fire does not explode;
  • contemporary design;
  • compatible with all types of valves and pressure reducing valves;
  • elementary control of the amount of gas;
  • does not need cleaning and painting
  • height: 58.3 cm
  • diameter: 31 cm


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