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Product Number 0602030565

  • Pressure cooker with innovative 5-stage security system
  • Capacity: 8 liters
  • Material: stainless steel
  • 2 cooking programs
  • Suitable for all hobs including induction
  • Dishwasher safe
14900лвOnline price

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High quality pressure cooker P2534443 from TEFAL with a capacity of 8 liters and an innovative protection system. The pressure cooker is made so that safety is a leading factor. With its exclusive security system, it is the safest way to cook.

The security system consists of the following 5 elements:

  • High quality operating valve
  • Pressure indicator
  • Innovative safety valve
  • Automatic locking system
  • High quality lid seal

The pressure cooker has 2 cooking programs - for vegetables and for meat and fish. Cooking programs are specifically designed to preserve the nutrients in the products.

Key features and benefits:

  • Extremely safe, automatic shut-off for opening and closing
  • 5-stage security system for safe pressure control
  • 2 cooking programs to store the nutrients in the products
  • Suitable for all hobs including induction
  • Dishwasher safe (without pressure and seal valve)


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