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Product Number 0502040611

  • Grass mixture with added wildflowers
  • Suitable for all types of terrain
  • Multicolored annuals are between 10 and 35 cm tall and bloom from June to October
  • Packaging: 500 gr
1139лвOnline price

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Grass mix Flower mix 0.500 kg 0502040512-trevna-smeska-slynce-0-5kg_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502040606-trevna-smeska-restart-500gr_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3117 лв


Special grass mixture with added wildflowers, for a beautiful and natural flower meadow. Suitable for all types of terrain.

Carefully selected varieties of grasses are easy to maintain, resistant to adverse weather conditions and quickly cling to any type of soil. The flower meadow is unpretentious and is suitable for spectacular decoration of a corner of the garden or for creating an easy-to-maintain meadow dotted with wildflowers.

The grass carpet is formed quickly and evenly and helps the flowers to bloom faster. Multi-colored annuals are between 10 and 35 cm tall and bloom from June to October.


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