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Product Number 1001030821

  • Polished granite
  • Dimensions: 30 x 60 cm
  • Thickness: 1 cm
  • Grey color
  • Roof area: 0.90 sq.m.
  • Number in a carton: 5 pieces
  • Made in Bulgaria
4149lv/m2Online price

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Carton price: 37.34 lv.


Често купувани заедно

Polished granite 30 x 60 x 1 cm, gray (0.90sq.m / 5 pieces) 0206030204-5-6-259_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0302090039_246x246_pad_478b24840a
7653 lv


Polished granite is a high quality Bulgarian production. It is suitable for flooring in houses, villas, restaurants, public buildings, etc. Each tile measures 30 x 60 cm and is 1 cm thick. Their color is gray and the roof area is 0.90 sq.m/box. One box contains 5 tiles.

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