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Product Number 0804010201

  • Model: RDP-WP26
  • Power: 900 W
  • Speed: 2900 rpm
  • Flow rate: 250 l / min
  • Maximum head: 9.5 m
  • Maximum depth: 7 m
  • Cable length: 10 m
  • Also suitable for lightly polluted water with solid particles up to 5 mm
  • Outlet diameter: 3/4 ''
11900lvOnline price

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The submersible water pump RDP-WP26 of the RAIDER brand is also suitable for lightly polluted water with a particle size of up to 5 mm. The pump has a power of 900W and a maximum flow rate of 250 l/min.In operation mode, as a drainage pump, it is designed for drainage of small construction sites, ground floors, basements, garages and more.It has a special float that ensures its automatic operation when the water level changes and a 10 meter power cable.

As a pump for pumping clean water, it is designed for drainage of premises in case of domestic accidents, when transferring water from one tank to another, etc.
The pump has a lightweight design that makes it easy to carry.The RDP-WP26 has an ergonomic design with anti-slip coating.


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