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Product Number 1102050044

  • Two-component waterproofing
  • For concrete surfaces and masonry subjected to positive and negative water pressure
  • For load-bearing walls, car parks, underground rooms, water canals and swimming pools
  • Application: with a brush or roller on horizontal and vertical surfaces
  • Layer thickness: minimum 2 mm
  • Consumption rate: 1.65 kg / sq.m. for 1mm thickness
19745lvOnline price

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MAPEI Mapelastic Foundation is a two-component, elastic cement-based solution. Used for hydrosiolation of concrete structures and masonry subjected to negative or positive hydrostatic pressure. Suitable for load-bearing walls, parking lots, underground rooms, water channels and swimming pools.

MAPEI Mapelastic Foundation is a two-component solution based on cementitious adhesives with finely selected fillers, special additives and synthetic polymers in aqueous dispersion. When mixing the two components, a mixture with an elastic consistency is obtained, which is easily applied with a brush or roller on horizontal and vertical surfaces with a thickness of at least 2 mm. After complete drying of the Mapelastic Foundation, the underground structures are completely protected from water penetration.

Mapelastic Foundation meets the requirements of standard EN 1504-2, coating (C), in accordance with the principles of PI, MC and IR for the protection of concrete.

Consumption rate: 1.65 kg/sq.m. for 1mm thickness



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