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Product Number 0901080036

  • Motion Sensor
  • Range: up to 3 m
  • Power supply: LR6 / AA / battery
  • Material: plastic
  • Degree of protection: IP20
  • Works with all WiZ related products
  • Easy installation
  • Flexible setup
4399лвOnline price

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Wiz Wi-Fi motion sensor with a range of up to 3m 0906040466-wi-zmote-distancionno-upravlenie-za-led-osvetlenie-s-obhvat-do-15m_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0906040463-wiz-wi-fi-led-lampa-6-7-w-a60-e27-2700-6500-k_246x246_pad_478b24840a
10787 лв


The WiZ wireless indoor sensor sets the lights in the home to turn on and off according to motion detection. And innovative WiZ products can turn on home lighting from your office and back. The Smart Lights and Accessories series allows you to control your WiZ products from anywhere in the world, all you need is access to the Internet.

Place the Motion Sensor at the entrance or in the hallway and activate the light modes you want, just by passing. Set it to turn off or set the minimum brightness after leaving the room. The Wi-Fi sensor controls all the lights in the room and has a range of up to 3 meters. Set the sensor to activate different light modes at different times of the day in the WiZ application, such as warm white in the evening or night light after bed.

The sensor has dimensions /w x h x d/ 6.2 x 5 x 6.2 cm and is designed for indoor use. It is suitable for corridors, children's rooms, living rooms, kitchens, restaurants, stairs, etc.


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