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Product Number 0905050177

  • Contact adapter with surge protection and indirect lightning
  • Model: Primera Line
  • Protects electrical appliances from electric shocks with max. up to 13,500A
  • LED indication
  • Built-in child protection
2399лвOnline price

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Protective contact adapter 16A / 3500W protection up to 13.5A Primera Line 0905050125_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0905050126_246x246_pad_478b24840a
7297 лв


The BRENNENSTUHL Primera Line surge protection contact adapter protects the devices connected to it from damage caused by voltage spikes in the 230 VAC mains. This type of voltage peak can be caused by indirect lightning strikes or the inclusion of highly inductive loads such as electric motors, furnaces or ballast lamps.

More information:

  • Maximum included load: 16A/3680W
  • LED light indication with protection working
  • Effective surge protection working with discharge pipes and metal oxide varistors with thermal fuse
  • Protects electrical appliances from surges with peak current up to 13,500 A.
  • Protects phase, neutral and ground wires
  • For internal use



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