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Product Number 0201040653

  • High in honey
  • Prevents wear and sticking of screw connections subjected to high temperatures
  • For brake calipers, muffler parts, screw connections, battery poles, car spark plug threads
  • High thermal resistance
  • Resistant to chemicals and weathering
  • Prevents corrosion
  • Directed concentrated jet
1659лвOnline price

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Anti-corrosion spray with honey 1100˚С - 500ml 0201040296-sprej-keramichna-gres-500ml-motip_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0807010003-wd-40-smart-straw-450_246x246_pad_478b24840a
5527 лв


The high-quality MOTIP spray with a high copper content prevents wear and sticking of screw connections subjected to high temperatures. It is suitable for use on brake calipers, muffler parts, screw connections, battery poles, car spark plug threads. It is characterized by high thermal resistance, resistance to chemicals and weathering. The spray prevents corrosion and has excellent adhesion, facilitates the development of battery terminals, pipe and threaded connections.

Physical and chemical characteristics:

  • Contents: 500ml
  • Base: EP grease and microscopic copper particles
  • VOC content: Approximately 69% w/w
  • Solids content: Approx.31% w/w
  • Color: Honey
  • Smell: Characteristic
  • In appearance: Pasty
  • Relative density at 20°C: 0.767 g/ml
  • Spraying: 1.26 g/sec
  • Saturated vapor pressure at 20ºC: from 3 to 4 bar
  • Heat resistance: -40°C to +1100°C

The aerosol should be at room temperature before use. The best operating temperature is between 5°C and 30 ° C. Shake the vial before use. It is applied in the necessary places.The optimal effect is achieved after evaporation of the solvent, which is approximately 1 minute.


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