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Product Number 0201040651

  • With a strong degrading effect
  • For motor vehicles, agricultural machinery, garden machinery, construction machinery
  • It leaves no traces
  • Non-conductive
  • Does not cause corrosion
  • 360º spray nozzle
  • Packaging: 500 ml
1099лвOnline price

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Spray for cleaning engines 500ml 0201040160_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0201040158-obezmaslitel-na-sprej-500ml-wurth_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3147 лв


The high-quality MOTIP spray is characterized by a strong degrading action.Can be used for motor vehicles, agricultural machinery, garden machinery, construction machinery. The spray leaves no traces, is non-conductive and does not cause corrosion.Fog spraying, thanks to a 360ºspray nozzle.

Physical and chemical characteristics

  • Contents: 500 ml
  • Base: Aliphatic hydrocarbons
  • VOC content: 100% w/w
  • Color: Transparent
  • Smell: Characteristic
  • Relative density at 20°C: 0.78 g/ml
  • Spraying: 1.11 g/sec
  • Saturated vapor pressure at 20ºC: from 3 to 4 bar
  • Refractive index at 20 ° C: 1,434

The aerosol should be at room temperature before use.The best operating temperature is between 5 and 30 ° C.Shake the vial before use. The product contains flammable solvents and the engine must be allowed to cool.The conductive parts are covered and the electrical system is switched off.Spray evenly and leave for a few minutes.A brush is used for stubborn dirt. After cleaning, the conductive parts are dried with air.


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