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Product Number 0106011503

  • Dispenser for liquid soap
  • Type: automatic
  • With sensor
  • Capacity: 300 ml
  • Dose drop: 0.5 - 1 ml
  • Power supply: 4 1.5V AA batteries / not included /
  • Material: ABS
3140лвOnline price

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Право на връщане


The SYNCHRO liquid soap dispenser is designed for bathrooms, toilets, showers and public places. The model is designed for standing installation, is mobile and can be easily transported to the required room. When you bring your hands close to the sensor, you get enough soap to wash up to 1 ml drop. The sensor promotes exceptional hygiene, as you do not have to press the button with dirty hands. At the top of the dispenser is a single pump button. The sensor dispenser is powered by four AA batteries, which are not included in the kit.


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