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Product Number 0105030491

  • Stationary bathroom screen
  • Suitable for partial partitioning of the bathroom
  • Size: 80 x 200 cm
  • Glass thickness: 8 mm
  • Type of glass: transparent
  • Complete with mounting elements
18900lvOnline price

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Stationary bathroom screen of the INTER CERAMIC brand. Porovan has clear glass and is suitable for partial partitioning of the bathroom. It is made with dimensions 80 x 200 cm and the thickness of the glass is 8 mm. The profile as well as the fasteners are made of high quality metal alloys with a protective chrome coating.

Bathroom accessories, faucets, and many other bathroom products are made with chrome finish. It is easy to maintain throughout the period of operation. It always guarantees mirror shine, stylish appearance and high protection against scratches, corrosion or rust.Everything you need for the installation of the stationary bathroom screen is included in the set.


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80 х 200см

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