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Product Number 0203050230

  • Decorative varnish
  • Model: Histolith Antik Lasur
  • For interior and exterior
  • High resistance to adverse conditions
  • Matt finish
  • Consumption: 80-100 ml/sq.m. per layer on flat surfaces
  • Color: transparent
18700lvOnline price

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Decorative varnish 10l CAPAROL 1101020048-lepiloshpaklovychna-smes-25kg_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0205010322-grund-za-mazilka-projekt-grund-25kg_246x246_pad_478b24840a
34400 lv


CAPAROL's Histolith Antik-Lasur decorative varnish is a concentrated transparent varnish used as a decorative layer for facades of historic buildings. It is characterized by high resistance to adverse conditions and high permeability to water vapor and CO2. The product is based on potassium water glass with mineral fillers, according to DIN 18 363. The coating can be manually colored with dyes. The desired color and transparency of the varnish are determined by samples. It has a matte finish. The density of Histolith is approx. 1.0 g/cubic cm.

The surfaces must be clean, load-bearing, free of separating substances that hinder adhesion, dry and absorbent. New surfaces must not be treated before applying the product for the following period of time: from mortar group PI at least 4 weeks, from mortar groups P II and P III - 2 weeks. Only absorbent natural stones are suitable substrates. If possible, apply a test coat and check the paint compatibility.

The exact consumption is determined by samples and is approximately 130 ml/m2. For rough surfaces, the consumption increases. Depending on the desired effect, it can be applied with brushes, a sponge, a natural sponge or a rag. At +20°C and 65% relative humidity, it dries on the surface and can be painted again after 12 hours. After 24 hours it is rain-resistant.



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