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Product Number 0703060156

  • Flue outlet
  • Material: stainless steel
  • Resistant to low and high temperatures
  • Hole size: Ф 80mm
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Често купувани заедно

Rosette, ф80мм, stainless steel 0703060142-koljano-za-dimootvod-ot-neryzhdaema-stomana-f-80mm-90_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0703060147-dimootvod-ot-neryjdaema-stomana-f-80mm-25sm_246x246_pad_478b24840a
6438 lv


Stainless steel socket F80 is used in chimney systems for pellet fireplaces and boilers. Its main purpose is to cover the opening in the wall or chimney where the flue joins. It is flat, with an inner diameter of F80.

The socket is made of the same high-quality stainless steel as the chimneys and other elements of the system that you can buy or order in Masterhouse stores. If the stove and flues need to be dismantled, the inner opening of the reduction unit is closed with a socket cover.


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