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Product Number 0703060154

  • Smoke barrel
  • Material: stainless steel
  • Resistant to low and high temperatures
  • Size: Ф 80 mm
6630лвOnline price

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Smoke barrel, ф 130, stainless steel 0703060153-dimootvod-100sm-f130mm-neryzhdaema-stomana_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0703060217-dimootvod-ot-neryzhdaema-stomana-f130-mm-50sm_246x246_pad_478b24840a
11896 лв


In recent years, you can find different types of innovative chimney caps on the market. Most of them are designed and created to solve problems related to chimneys. However, they are also seen as the perfect addition to the architecture of the building. The smoke barrel slides on the pipe or the top of the chimney. If possible, it is reinforced with self-tapping screws.

This type of hats do not allow water and wind to enter the chimney and help to remove flue gases.Their other main role is to reduce fuel consumption and keep condensation levels to a minimum. In parallel, they contribute to the even combustion of fuel . Withstand normal electrical, atmospheric, thermal and chemical influences.


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