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Product Number 0302040249

  • Luxury furniture handle
  • Series: Nobel
  • Material: metal
  • Center distance: 128 mm
  • Color: stainless steel
369lvOnline price

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Често купувани заедно

Luxury furniture handle - 128 mm, figural, stainless steel 0605040362-aromatizator-za-kola-momina-sylza-mon_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0610050005_246x246_pad_478b24840a
6278 lv


The Nobel furniture handle by LOTOS has a refined and impressive design, combining modern and retro feel. The handle is made of quality metal. It is characterized by a center distance of 128 mm and is mounted in pre-prepared holes . It is suitable for all types of cabinets, furniture, chests of drawers, etc.



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