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Product Number 1102010405

  • EPS Thermal insulation boards - Styrofoam
  • Size: 500 x 1000 mm
  • Thickness: 100 mm
  • Most suitable for external insulation of facades
  • Reduces the possibility of condensation
  • The advertised price is for 1 package
  • One package contains 5 heat-insulating plates with a total volume of 0.25 cubic meters
2649лвSpecial price

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ADEPLAST EPS heat-insulating boards with a size of 50 x 100 cm and a thickness of 100 mm. They are used for thermal insulation of facades of existing and newly constructed buildings. The structure of the material allows the passage of water vapor, which effectively prevents the formation of condensation and mold in the premises.

Expanded polystyrene (EPS), also called "Styrofoam" , is white in color and has a spherical-granular structure. Styrofoam has proven itself over time as a thermal insulation material, without which construction is unthinkable nowadays. The most common use of EPS thermal insulation boards is as glued exterior facade insulation. It is also used in ventilated suspended facades, as a middle layer in double walls, for straight, inverted and pitched roofs.



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1 Въпроси
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  • Коли броя са в тази цена?

    Илина Петкова
    вижте 1 отговора
    1. Администратор

      Здравейте! Както е посочено в описанието:
      Обявената цена се отнася за 1 пакет - в един пакет се съдържат 5 броя топлоизолационни плочи с обща кубатура 0.25 куб.м.

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