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Product Number 0302140025

  • Tapered foot
  • Material: metal
  • Height: 100 mm
  • Diameter at the bottom: 34 mm
  • Square at the top: 43 x 43 mm
  • Color: matt chrome
470lvOnline price

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Често купувани заедно

Cone arm - 100 mm, matt chrome 0302140019-krak-konus-50mm-mat-hrom_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0302140017-krak-konus-50mm-hrom1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1350 lv


The LOTOS taper leg is designed for panel mounting. It can be placed on a table, cabinet, sectional and other similar furniture. It is characterized by high-quality metal construction in matte chrome color.
The conical leg is 100 mm high. Its diameter in the lower part is 34 mm, and in the upper part it is in the form of a square with dimensions of 43 x 43 mm.



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      Здравейте! Посоченият от Вас артикул не е планка, а крак конус, чиято височина 100мм е упомената в описанието. Ето и другите размери:
      - квадрат в горната част - 43 х 43мм
      - диаметър в долната част - 34мм

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