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Product Number 0302130223

  • Gas shock absorber
  • Strength: 80N
  • Material: metal
  • Load capacity: 3.8 kg
  • Opening angle: 80-110 °
280lvOnline price

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Gas shock absorber - 80N 0302130223-225-gazov-amortisjor_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0302130223-225-gazov-amortisjor_246x246_pad_478b24840a
959 lv


The LOTOS gas shock absorber is designed for furniture doors. Used for doors that open upwards. Depending on the size and weight of the door, only one or two shock absorbers with the same force can be fitted at both ends of the door, with a N /Newton/ kg ratio of 1:10. It can be mounted on wooden doors or those with aluminum frame. The mounting plates are mounted to the sides of the cabinet and to the door by means of screws.



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