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Product Number 0302130086

  • Playful pingo
  • Thread: M10
  • Material: metal
  • Diameter: Ф 32 mm
175lvOnline price

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Playful pingo M10 - F 32mm 0302130084-planka-za-konektor-f-40mm_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0302130235-regulirasht-vint-za-kraka-4br-blister_246x246_pad_478b24840a
804 lv


LOTOS adjustable pingo feet are an extremely popular and frequently used product. They can be installed on machines, furniture, chairs, tables, sofas, etc. They are most often used when lifting furniture or machines, to level objects, to reduce vibrations when frequent height adjustment is required. The tilting legs are supplied with a hinged connection between the base and the thread, allowing movement at an angle of up to 20°. The playful pingo is used both for uneven surfaces and for elements of different heights.



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