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Product Number 0203040173

  • Toning paste - colorant for paint
  • For interior and exterior application
  • For toning (coloring) of disperse and acrylic paints
  • For coloring plasters and adhesive solutions
  • It can be used alone - only in interior rooms
  • Suitable for non-professional use at home
  • Application: brush, roller, gun
  • Packing: 250g
349лвOnline price

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Toning paint Color Line contains light-resistant pigments and is designed for tinting (coloring) all kinds of paints, dispersions, acrylics and adhesives, which are designed for interior and exterior use. Colored paints with this toning paste are applicable for painting masonry, plaster, plasterboard, facades and others.

The dye itself can be used alone as a paint. In this case, the color will be saturated and bright. If the paint dye is used alone, it should be applied only indoors.

Paint tinting:

  • Shake the package well before using the toner
  • After choosing the approximate shade, measure the required amount of toning paint and gradually mix it into the prepared paint
  • Once well mixed, the tinted paint is ready to use
  • The instructions and instructions for use of the toning paint must be followed
  • To achieve the full color intensity of the paint, more coats must be applied


Тониращи пасти

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