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Product Number 0205020179

  • Stone sealant
  • Creates a durable, colorless and glossy finish
  • Suitable for use only on rough and absorbent surfaces
  • Makes surfaces easier to clean
  • For indoor and outdoor use
  • Consumption rate: 0.075 l / m2
  • Drying time: about 40 - 60 minutes
  • Packaging: 1 liter
2605лвOnline price

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Preparation for sealing a stone 1l 0205020178-impregnatog-za-granitogres_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0206010120-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
5759 лв


Stone varnish that emphasizes color and texture (moisturizing effect) and makes surfaces easier to clean.
Prior to application of this product, the substrate must be dry, clean and hygroscopic. Contamination must be removed. Our suggestion is to do it with a stone cleaner. After cleaning, the stone seal should be applied evenly with a teddy bear. The drying time of the varnish is about 40-60 minutes, and the consumption rate - 0.075 l/m2.

  • The varnish provides a colorless resistant coating
  • Suitable for rough and absorbent surfaces
  • For cleaning natural stone flooring
  • For cleaning ready-made concrete blocks, artificial stone, terracotta, marble
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor use



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1 Въпроси
1 Отговори
  • Препаратът за подходящ ли е за запечатка на мраморен под на заведения?Разх.норма?

    вижте 1 отговора
    1. Веселин Люцканов - администратор

      Здравейте! Препаратът е подходящ за запечатка на мраморен под на заведение, само ако не е много гладък и лъскав. Средната разходна норма е 0.075л/м2, но има и субективен фактор с оглед на дебелината на слоя, който се нанася от работника.
      Много е важно след нанасянето на препарата да осигурите добро и трайно проветрение на помещението!

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