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Product Number 0602081597

  • Saussure
  • For serving sauces to salads and dishes
  • Material: Porcelain
  • Scratch resistant
  • Color: gray-green
529лвOnline price

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Porcelain saucer, gray-green Ivy 0602090294-kupa_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0602020729-chinija_246x246_pad_478b24840a
5187 лв


Sawyer from the Ivy series. Ivy series kitchen utensils are made with a unique formula of glaze ingredients and durable porcelain clay, combined with high temperature baking in two cycles. The result is a color with the same intensity and strength of the glaze when scratched by utensils and dishwashers.
Combines perfectly with the rest of the kitchen utensils of the same series.



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