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Product Number 0806150307

  • Cable stripping tool
  • Model: ErgoStrip
  • For all standard and moisture resistant cables, data cables and coaxial cables
  • Ergonomic grip
  • With opening spring and locking mechanism
  • Multi-component design
  • Reinforced plastic housing
7990лвOnline price

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ErgoStrip Cable Stripping Tool - 135mm, Ø8–13mm, 0.2-4.0mm² 0808010285-zashtitni-rabotni-rykavici-red-latex-grip-bezshevno-triko-topeni-v-lateks_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0905060144-45-kabelna-obuvka-fdd1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
8438 лв


The headlamp for KNIPEX ErgoStrip cables is 135 mm long. It is designed for fast and precise removal of the sheath and insulation of all standard round and moisture resistant cables NYM cable of 3 x 1.5 up to 5 x, twisted pair data cables and coaxial cables. The tool is innovative, with an ergonomic pistol-like grip for easy cutting, removing and trimming along the lining. The conically tapered edges make it easier to access in very tight spaces.

  • With device for removing the insulation for sections 0.2 / 0.3 / 0.8 / 1.5 / 2.5 /

The device has an opening spring and a locking mechanism. Coaxial cables and data cables are conveniently routed. The multi-component design with soft plastic area is easy to handle and secure.Stable plastic housing reinforced with glass fiber ensures long life of the appliance.



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