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Product Number 0103030105

  • VIDIMA monoblock from the Seva Fresh series with bottom drain
  • Duroplast toilet seat with plastic fasteners
  • Toilet cistern with side supply
  • Double button for draining water: 2.5 and 4.5 liters
  • Size: 77.5 x 67.5 x 37 cm
  • White colour
34150лвOnline price

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VIDIMA monoblock from the Seva Fresh series with bottom drain, toilet cistern with side water supply and with water release control - 2.5 or 4.5 liters. The toilet seat is made of duroplast and has plastic fasteners. The monoblock offers a modern design suitable for every taste.

VIDIMA monoblock guarantees high resistance to chemical cleaners. Sanitary ware products are covered with glaze, which provides additional protection and a shiny surface.


  • Height with cistern: 77.5 cm
  • Depth with cistern: 67.5 cm
  • Seat width: 37 cm
  • Seat height: 40 cm



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