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Product Number 0604020331

  • Children's bathrobe
  • Model: Frog
  • Material: 100% cotton
  • Density: 400 g / sq.m.
  • Size: 128 cm
4649лвPromo price 5469лвOld price

Бърза доставка

Преглед на пратката

Право на връщане


The fluffy children's bathrobe Frog of the Bulgarian brand YANA is made of 100% cotton with a density of 400 g/sq.m, which contributes to its high absorbency. The children's bathrobe is 128 cm in size and is suitable for children from 4 to 6 years of age.

  • It is recommended to wash separately. Mixing the robe with clothes with buttons or zippers significantly increases the risk of defecation.

The bathrobe is highly hygroscopic, which is why washing requires a large amount of water at a recommended temperature of 40°C. After washing, rinse well several times.

  • Drying in direct sunlight is not recommended
  • When using a dryer, be sure to use a low temperature mode
  • Ironing is not recommended



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    Мария Тонева
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      Здравейте! Пълна гаранция за получаването на халата в желания от Вас срок може да има, само ако си направите поръчка със статус на Експресна доставка. При икономична доставка гаранция за този срок няма, а освен това събота, 23 април, е почивен ден за всички, включително и за куриерските фирми.

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