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Product Number 0703060161

  • Internet controller
  • Model: BBOIL RF
  • Type: wireless
  • Universal
13900лвOnline price

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Wireless, smart thermostat BBOIL RF, which provides users with complete control over: pellet and gas boilers, stoves, oil burners, heat pumps, Solar thermal systems, boilers and more. Thanks to the BBOIL RF wireless thermostat, you will ensure complete control over the temperature in your home via a smartphone or computer.

ProSmart BBoil RF is a product that allows fast automation of any appliance, regardless of its manufacturer or model. The technology embedded in it allows it to connect to any wireless Internet network without additional settings. You not only turn your appliances on and off remotely, but you manage and regulate the entire ecosystem in your office, home, house or villa. You will have real-time information on all connected devices, their operation and current status.

Why proSmart BBoil RF?

  • Saves money from your monthly heating bills
  • Complete integrated management system
  • Easy and convenient software interface
  • Mobile phone application running on all operating systems
  • Optimums for the consumption of each connected appliance

Where is proSmart BBoil RF applicable?

  • Management of gas boilers
  • Management of pellet boilers and solid fuel boilers
  • Management of solar systems
  • Management of different groups of electrical devices


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proSmart BBoil

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