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Product Number 0305020023

  • Spring washer
  • Standard: DIN127
  • Material: steel
  • Galvanized
  • Size: M 16
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Spring washer DIN127 - M6, galvanized 0305020018-24-shajba-pruzhinna-din127_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0305030022-38-stoporna-gajka-din-985-8_246x246_pad_478b24840a
017 lv


The spring or also called PANCHEV spring washer with DIN127 standard is a round, cut washer made of spring steel. It is placed between the bolt head and the part, the base or nut and the part. When tightening the nut, the washer is pressed and it creates a force along the axis of the bolt, which prevents the nut from self-developing.

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