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Product Number 0605020337

  • Stain remover
  • Model: Oxi Action
  • For white clothes
  • It penetrates deep into the fibers
  • Removes the most stubborn stains
  • Can be added to washing powder
  • Dose 100ml
199лвSpecial price

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617 лв


VANISH's Oxi Action stain remover is a stain and odor remover and is able to erase even the most resistant stains effortlessly and without traces. Oxi Action penetrates deep into the fibers and removes even the most stubborn stains and can be added to classic washing powder.

Before washing, apply the detergent on the stain, leave it on for a short time, then wash in the washing machine in the usual way. When washing resistant stains, add the detergent to the washing machine in the detergent compartment.


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