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Product Number 0605010625

  • Soot cleaning powders
  • For stoves and fireplaces
  • For oil stoves and boilers
  • Packing: 2 x 90 g

749лвOnline price

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Powder for cleaning soot from stoves and fireplaces - 2 x 90 g 0505030004-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0703060263-2_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1653 лв


FLAMMAT soot cleaning powders are designed for use in stoves, fireplaces, oil stoves or boilers.

  • For stoves and fireplaces: Put a powder, without tearing the package, on the fire and close the door. In about 15 minutes a high temperature is reached, which helps to remove soot.
  • For oil stoves and boilers: Adjust a small flame and put a powder on it without breaking.The flame is maximized and waited for about 25 minutes. Then the temperature is reduced to normal.

Regular use of 1-2 powders once a week saves energy and protects the stove or boiler from soot.It is not recommended to use the whole package at once, as there is a possibility of excessive heat.


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