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Product Number 0306040131

  • Sheet metal screw
  • Type: self-tapping
  • Standard: DIN 7981
  • Dimensions: 3.5 x 11 mm
  • Oxide coating
  • Head type: hemisphere
  • PH slot
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Sheet metal screw - 3.5 x 11 mm, self-tapping, DIN 7981 0306030092-yglova-planka_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0306040009-57-vint-za-dyrvo-pocinkovan_246x246_pad_478b24840a
068 lv


The PANCHEV self-tapping screw for metal with DIN 7981 standard, close to ISO 7049, has a cylindrical head shape for a Phillips screwdriver. The thread is suitable for self-winding in metal. It is used for fastening thin parts, mainly sheet metal, to each other or to parts for the body. It is most often used in household appliances and other machines, for fastening cables, plastic housings, metal covers and others.

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