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Product Number 0102030223

  • Shower system
  • Model: Solange
  • Closing ceramic mechanism
  • Stationary shower pie
  • Mobile hand shower with 3 functions
  • Mixer with thermostat
27745lvOnline price

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Solange shower system - with mixer with thermostat 0102010688-stojasht-smesitel-za-umivalnik-danista_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0101010631-pvc-shkaf-s-mivka-za-banja-icp-5041-new-50-h-42-h-85sm_246x246_pad_478b24840a
54769 lv


The thermostatic stationary shower Solange of INTER CERAMIC is a shower system with a modern and beautiful design. The round shapes of the system offer a combination in the interior with predominant rounded geometric lines, for more harmony in the overall look. The mixer is thermostatic. The stationary shower cake has a round head with a diameter of 23 cm.The mobile hand shower has three functions. A 1.5 m long hose is included in the set. The system is chrome plated.


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С подвижен и стационарен душ

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  • Въпрос 1е за смеситела.Връзките за студена и топла вода. При мен разстоянието е 15 см.

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