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Product Number 1005010287

  • Laminate with four-sided joint (chamfer)
  • Color / decor: 3903 Natural summer oak
  • Thickness: 8 mm
  • Size of the slats: 1380 x 244 mm
  • Resistant to intensive use in residential, public and office premises
  • Exercise resistance class: 32 / AC4
  • Impregnated against moisture, resistant to stains, stains and scratches
  • Roof area with one package: 2,694 sq.m.
7729лвOnline price

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MY FLOOR Natural Summer Oak laminate flooring, made in Germany, is part of the Advanced +collection. Its thickness is 8 mm and has a high class of resistance to physical stress, wear and scratch 32/AC4. Each of the slats has a size of 1380 x 244 mm. One package contains 8 pcs. slats with a total roof area of 2,694 square meters.

The laminate has a four-sided joint and is designed for moderately to intensively loaded residential and office premises.The installation system ensures easy and quick installation even in hard-to-reach places, such as in corners or under radiators.

The floor covering has antibacterial properties. Easy to clean and maintain.It is impregnated against moisture, resistant to stains, stains and scratches. To level the floor on which the laminate flooring will be laid, you need to use a laminate flooring pad of appropriate thickness, depending on how pronounced the unevenness of the floor is. The more uneven the surface on which the laminate will be laid, the thicker the substrate should be.


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