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Product Number 0203030275

  • Emulsion interior paint
  • Consumption: 11-13sq.m / l
  • Surface drying: 15-30 minutes
  • Apply with a roller, brush and gun
  • Color: white
  • Packaging: 0.750l
дни часа мин сек
Офертата е валидна от 01.01.2025 до 30.01.2025
979лвPromo price

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Interior ecological paint Vito Eco - 0.750 l, white 0206010140_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0203030259-275-emulsionna-ekologichna-boja-vito-eco-1l-bjala-baza-bw_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4077 лв


VITEX's Vito Eco is an emulsion ecological paint for general interior use. It has high coverage and low cost. It spreads very well by roller, brush and gun. Forms a smooth, matte surface.

The paint is high quality, antimicrobial and is designed for interior surfaces. The model is odorless during application as it does not contain ammonia or any other hazardous substances such as aromatic hydrocarbons, free formaldehyde, heavy metals or alkylphenol ethoxylates. It has excellent resistance to frequent washing and adverse weather conditions. Can be used on properly prepared surfaces of any material.

Surfaces must be clean, dry and smooth, free of dust, grease or brittle materials.New surfaces of plaster, concrete, brick, plasterboard and others, as well as plastered surfaces are primed.The product must be mixed well before use. Apply in two layers with a brush, roller or gun, diluting to 10% with water. It must not be applied at temperatures below 5°C or above 35°C. The applied layer is dry to the touch within 11 - 13 minutes. The next layer is applied after 3-4 hours.



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  • Правите ли тониране на малки разфасовки боя Vito-0,750л?

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      Здравейте! По принцип тониране се прави и на малки разфасовки боя, но точно посоченият от Вас артикул не подлежи на тониране, той може да се ползва само в оригиналния си бял цвят.
      Относно тонирането следва да изтъкнем и факта, че то не може да се прави онлайн, а само и единствено на място в някой от физическите ни магазини, които са в Бургас, Несебър, Приморско, Айтос и Казанлък.

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