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Product Number 0804020152

  • Lawn mower
  • Model: RD-LM31
  • Power: 1400W
  • Speed: 3400 rpm
  • Mowing width: 33 cm
  • Mowing height: 20-40-60 mm
  • Capacity of the basket: 30 l
12900lvOnline price

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Garden electric mower RD-LM31 - 1400W, 33 cm 0804020158-elektricheska-kosachka-za-treva-easy-grass-cut-23-280-w-f-23sm_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0804060035-kvadratna-korda-za-kosachka-trimer-f1-65mm-h-15m-raider_246x246_pad_478b24840a
19919 lv


The RAIDER RD-LM31 electric mower has a strong and massive chassis made of high quality polypropylene. The lawn mower has a power of 1400W. A strong and comfortable handle is located in the center of gravity of the machine for easier transportation. The innovative design and low weight contribute to the great maneuverability, allowing to mow both in a straight line and around obstacles. The model has a system for easy folding of the main handles for convenient and compact storage. An ergonomic start switch with a button to prevent unintentional switching on and a cable holder are located on the handle itself. The wheels provide excellent maneuverability. They have a special gripper for stable and smooth movement. The mower has" combs" on both sides, for clean and precise mowing along walls, trees, flower beds and at the ends of lawns. The housing has a special design for better engine cooling and a filter to purify the cooling air. RD-LM31 is designed for mowing areas of medium size in the order of about 500 sq.m.


36 месеца

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