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Product Number 0701070028

  • Dishwasher
  • Model: ADW6-3603A
  • Energy class: A+
  • Number of sets: 6 pcs.
  • Number of programs: 6 pcs.
  • Dimensions: 43.8 x 55 x 50 cm
39900lvOnline price

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The ARIELLI ADW6-3603A dishwasher is energy class A+. It is designed for up to 6 sets of dishes. It has 6 main work programs. The automatic filter cleaning system effectively washes away food residues and prevents clogging. This prevents problems and errors in the operation of the dishwasher . As the inner cover of the dishwasher cools faster than the dishes, the remaining steam condenses on the interior of the dishwasher, drains to the bottom and evaporates. The result is perfectly dry dishes. It has a convenient display that helps when using the machine. The annual energy consumption is only 174kWh, and the water consumption is 1820l. per year.


  • Height: 43.8 cm
  • Width: 55 cm
  • Depth (with connecting elements): 50 cm


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