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Product Number 0205010274

  • Primer for acrylic paints
  • Series: Chameleon
  • Toning base
  • Consumption rate: brush and roller: 15 - 16sq.m / l, gun: up to 10sq.m / l.
  • Drying to the touch: 15 minutes
  • Packing: 4 l
3599лвOnline price

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ORGACHIM's Hamelekon acrylic tinting primer is a well-homogenized suspension of finely dispersed pigments, fillers, aqueous acrylate copolymer binder and specific additives. It is used to create a color background before painting with machine-tinted in saturated colors paints, in order to improve the coverage and uniformity of the color of the coating and maintain color accuracy. It is characterized by excellent adhesion to surfaces, good spreading and leveling of the wet coating, without splashes when applied; It has good resistance to delamination and precipitation and does not change its viscosity over time.

Additional features:

  • Consumption rate: brush and roller: brush and roller: 15 - 16sq.m/l, gun: up to 10sq.m/l.
  • Drying to the touch: 15 minutes
  • Complete drying: 2 - 4 hours
  • Application tools: brush, roller, gun



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