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Product Number 0502040530

  • Petunia seeds mix colorful flowers
  • For balconies and gardens
  • Low
  • Annual: one year
  • Exposure: sun
  • Color size: 30 - 35 cm
139lvOnline price

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Petunia seeds mix colorful flowers Botanist 0502040532-semena-petunija-kichesta-kydrava-botanik_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502040518-semena-temenuzhka-drebna-miks-botanik_246x246_pad_478b24840a
417 lv


The petunia has low, dense stems and smaller flowers. It grows well in sunny places and requires regular watering. Propagated in February - March by seed. Petunia with its variety of colors, shapes, colors, abundant and long flowering is among the most popular flowers. Used for flower beds, curbs, balconies, terraces and more. The petunia has a branched stem and flowers like funnels. In the cool summer evenings it gives off a pleasant floral aroma. Once it blooms, it should be cleaned of dried flowers.


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