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Product Number 0502040525

  • Varietal seeds Daisies colorful
  • For balconies or gardens
  • Low
  • Age: biennial
  • Exposition: partial shade
  • Color size: 15 - 20 cm
139лвOnline price

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Seeds Daisies colorful / Coins Botanist 0502040532-semena-petunija-kichesta-kydrava-botanik_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502040024-semena-cinija-elegans-liliput_246x246_pad_478b24840a
457 лв


Colorful daisies or more Coins are from the family Compositae. The perennial plant is suitable for balconies and gardens. It grows well in a sunny to semi-shady place. The plant grows in summer. If it is very hot, do not water too much. Once it blooms, it should be cleaned of dried flowers.


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