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Product Number 1005010243

  • Color/Decor: 8087 Da Vinci Lodge
  • Thickness: 8 mm
  • Slat size: 1380 x 193 mm
  • Resistant to intensive use in residential, public and office premises
  • Physical load resistance class: 32/АС5
  • Impregnated against moisture, resistant to stains, smudges and scratches
  • Roof area with one package: 2,131 sq.m.
3010lv/m2Online price

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Package price: 64.14 lv.


Често купувани заедно

Laminate flooring 8mm 32 / AC5, 8087 Da Vinci Lodge (2,131 sq.m / package) 1005040032-2_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1005040010-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
5570 lv


MY FLOOR Da Vinci Laminate Flooring is for those who have the unruly nature of artists. Da Vinci is a natural floor covering with an authentic look. It creates an interesting contrast in the home, adding a touch of country flair that transports you to forgotten attics. Made of natural materials, this laminate flooring with its delightful industrial charm will delight any student, artist and creative person. Combined with leather, chrome and glass, it gives the modern urban office a creative chaos that impresses clients, amazes guests and delights colleagues.

Extremely durable with resistance class 32/AC5. Easy to maintain and fade and stain resistant. One package of Da Vinci laminate flooring has a roof area of 2,131 square meters, and the size of each lamella is 1380 x 193 mm and 8 mm thick.

The floor covering has antibacterial properties.Easy to clean and maintain.It is waterproof, stain, smudge and scratch resistant.
To level the floor on which the coating will be laid, you need to use a laminate flooring underlay of the appropriate thickness, depending on how pronounced the unevenness of the floor is. The more uneven the surface on which the laminate will be laid, the thicker the underlay should be.


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  • Zdraveite V zenata e vkliu4en i montaga???

    Maria Georgieva
    вижте 1 отговора
    1. Администратор

      Здравейте! За съжаление не предлагаме монтажни услуги. Нашата дейност е само търговска. Цената се отнася за продукта.
  • Za 20 kv.m. Kolko trianva da zaplatia???

    Maria Georgieva
    вижте 1 отговора
    1. Администратор

      Здравейте! За 20 кв.м площ ще са Ви необходими 10 пакета, тъй като 1 пакет е с покривна площ 2.131 кв.м. 10 пакета струват 479.30 лв. плюс 49.00 лв. за транспортната услуга или общо 528.30лв.
      Ако обаче поръчате 11 пакета, ще дължите 527.23лв., тъй като при поръчка на стойност над 500 лв. транспортната услуга става безплатна.

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