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Product Number 0607061025

  • Rattan pan with handles
  • Model: TD18008
  • Dimensions: Ф 25cm x 20cm
  • Natural color
2100lvOnline price

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Често купувани заедно

Wicker basket with handles TD18008 - Ф 25 cm x 20 cm 0605010669-topcheta-za-wc-bref-deluks-delikatna-magnolija-50g_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0604011431-havliena-kyrpa-50-h-90sm-100-pamuk-bezhova-sm2_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3108 lv


Rattan basket model TD18008 from TONY'S DECOR with diameter Ф 25 cm and height 20 cm in natural color is a wicker basket with leather handles, made of metal base, braided with natural water hyacinth and textile. It is suitable for arranging flowers, for placing towels and towels, for collecting small toys, for storing and attractive display of coffee or bean products in a grocery store and others.

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  • Здравейте, 20 см е височината на самия панер или включва и дръжките?

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      20см е височината на самия панер. Височината с дръжките е 28см.

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